Saturday, December 27, 2008


So today was intersting to say the least. I woke up to my mother informing me that because my brother wasn't home I was going to have to do all his chores. YAY FOR ME! After that I went to go get my nails done. While I was there the guy that was doing them told me it was his birthday! Only a day before mine! Then right after that I heard on the radio that the artist of one of my favorite songs is turning 18..on the 27th. HELLO! We were totally born on the same day! How awesome! No wonder I love his music so much. It's a soul to soul birthday connection. Then I came home and went back out to Best Buy. Let me tell you..I hate Best Buy. Well the one by my house anyways. I looked totally crappy and my ex works there not to mention I used to work there so everyone knows me. Awesome right? Wrong. So I snuck out of there and went to Curcuit City. Then I came home and my mom sent me back out. GAH! She wanted me to find a pan that doesn't exist. So when I couldn't find it I came home with what I thought would make a good substitute. (There's a Lot of T's in that word.) Well I was wrong. It wasn't a good substitute so we ate frozen lasagna instead. (Does anyone else ever wonder why there's a G in lasagna?) Which I didn't even eat because I went to the movies. Ok so you might be asking yourself..Wait Alix don't you work your life away on Fridays? Why yes, I do, but I decided to take the day off so I could spend my night with Chey and be happy instead of spending it at work and being sad. So even though I faked sick (a migraine to be exact) it was well worth it and I would do it again. This is what happened while I was not at work. We (we being Me, Chey, Shelby, and Danielle) decided to go see a movie at Aliante. haha Not smart but I wasn't spotted so its ok. Seriously not 5 seconds after I sit down Shelby leans over and says, "Well hurry up and hold his hand!" Sheesh! So I did. Then the movie got over and we walked like retards out. It was fun, we had a good laugh. Then I went the Chey's. That was fun. I picked out a stinky movie. (There Chey I'm admitting it..happy!..ya I bet you are! LOL) K really I think the movie is funny, but he complained so I guess I'm fired at picking movies. But I fired him last week, so who knows who's gonna pick the movies from now on. Anyways, like a 1/4 of the way through the movie I got hungry so we went to taco bell. That was exciting I suppose lol. As exciting as Taco Bell can be anyways. So then I raced home so I wouldn't be late for curfew and I made it YAY! So now techinically it is my birthday. My 18th birthday. I'm hoping it will be good altho my last couple birthdays have been stinkers. My plan is to get up and go shopping with my mom (the usually for the past 8 years) then go to dinner at a restaurant I can't spell but is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G then hopefully spend some time with Chey. Hey have you noticed by now that I'm acutally using his name instead of ****. Yes I'm making a fantastic improvement aren't I?!?! Yes I know. So all in all today was a very good day. :)

P.S. Chey I will find a way to sneak that $20 into your pocket (to repay you for taco bell since it was my crazy hunger impulse that caused you to spend your hard earned money) or car or wallet or somewhere where you'd least expect it. Not so much cuz I care about it that much but because you challenged me by saying I couldn't do it, so now I have to haha.

P.S.S. Thank you for the movie and the Taco Bell :)

P.P.S.S. YOUR FACE IS AMAZING! (by far not ugly!!!)


Anonymous said...

its not ppss its psssss like piss without the i and add a couple of ssssss

Beezy said...

hahah thank you for cleariing that one of my lifes most troubling questions has been answered and i will finally know how to correctly use the p.s.s.s.s. system! hahaha