Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

So here's a little background about me

2 years ago I met a guy. The instant I saw him I thought, "Look at this weirdo, I would never date him." 3 months later we were dating and I fell for him. I fell for him hard. I was convinced that he would be the one I would marry. I was so incredibly happy!..Untill we broke up. I was crushed, absolutely heart broken, but I didn't give up. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was and always would be the one and that he was just a teenager and to immature to realize that. So I kept the faith I had in us for 2 years. I was everything he needed me to be. I was a friend, a girl friend, I even went so low as to be a hook up. I lowered all my expectations so if he even acknowledged me I would be giddy for weeks. I was happy when he payed attention and devasted if he didn't. We were on and off but I always stuck around. I was a mess. And I never let myself move on. I told myself there would never be anyone better and eventually believed that. He would tell me to move on though, and wanting to please him (or make him jealous) I would try. I had a few flings, but they were never enough. So I started hooking up with guys just to "have fun". All it did was make me feel awful though. I wanted someone to love me for me, and I wanted to love someone. So I gave up on the guy. But I still didn't move on. Even though I was through with him no one seemed good enough. My friends told me I was being too picky and if I kept being so picky I would end up alone. I just couldn't let myself believe that though. I knew that I would find someone that was everything I wanted. Even if I didn't find my "soul mate" I knew I'd find someone that I wouldn't have to lower my standards for. Those 2 years were long. I hated being alone, but I dealt with it so that I could wait for someone who was..well..worth waiting for. And I think it's happened. I've finally met someone that's everything I want and more. Everytime I talk to him he says something that makes me realize what a perfect fit he is. I'm not saying I'm in love or I'm going to end up with him forever, but I know I met him for a reason, and I feel so lucky. I haven't been this happy in a long time. I just hope that I can be for him what he is for me. I hope I can be everything he wants and make him happy. This whole thing really does just prove to me that good things do come to those who wait. :)

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