Thursday, November 13, 2008


Right this second..I mean like RIGHT NOW..I am watching the Twilight trailor for like the 4th time inthe past 40 minutes. Really..I'm timing it. I am so excited for this movie and at the same time I'm not excited at all. I feel like this movie is going to seriously disappoint me. There's no way that all the awesome powers the vampires have are going to be portrayed as well as they were described in the book. I mean that's just obvious. But hopefully it's good. Actually I'm completely comvinced that if the movie is even just half as good as the book then I'll be satisfied. The books are amazing enough that I can give the movie that much wiggle room.

On another note. I can't wait to start shopping for my house. I will be moving in in about 4 months and I'm so excited to get to decorate. So I think when my roommate/besite: Linds get's in town we will start shopping. Because let's face it..if we wait till we move in to buy all our stuff we'll never be able to afford anything. Then our sad little house will be empty. :( Sad

Ok one last thing before I go..I am watching TV and this twix commercial came on.. Ya know those ones where the guy says something stupid and he's gonna take a moment to chew it over with twix. K well i was watching the one where the guy's at a party and he's trying to pick up this girl and he asks her to come back to his apartment and she freaks out. So he takes his "moment" and then he says something along the lines of..I thought you were a believer..someone who would want to blog about their ideals. K and the girl freaks out and is like "OMG I LOVE BLOGGING!" K that commercial is totally escence of Shelby! She's so funny but that girl is a blogger like no other! Hahaha Love you Bizzle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love blogging