Monday, November 10, 2008

Epic Adventures

So today was a good day. What did I say. I knew today was going to be good. So I got up and I got ready for my day. My hair looked so long..I'M SO EXCITED! Finally it's starting to look long! YAY. So then I went to the dentist. It went well. I just got a cleaning. But the lady put floride on my teeth. She said I was allowed to eat and drink but I couldn't eat. Well this floride stuff made it feel like I hadn't brushed my teeth in a year. So I felt nasty, but I went to the mall anyways cuz I needed to do some shopping. It worked out pretty well cuz I didn't have to talk to anyone since I was there by myself. But then..seriously 2 seconds after I told my mom I was leaving I walked into my ex. Now we're on good terms and all and I don't mind hanging out with him..however, seeing him when I least expect it tends to make me a nervous wreck. Plus HELLO its an always wanna look freaken amazing and confident and perfect when you see an ex. And here I am looking so cute except I can't open my mouth at all. So I quickly dismissed myself and walked away. But on my way out I decided to stop at one more store. When I walked out of the store I was on the ground level. My car was parked on the other end of the mall on the top level. I debated with myself and finally picked the best route that would lead me to my car without seeing my ex again. But alas my best judgement failed and I ran into him again. I ran away even faster than the first time but he texted me asking why I couldn't stop to talk. So that wasn't to fun. But whatever. So after I left the awkward situation I came home to change and then I went to go get Shelby so we could go to the TEMPLE! YAY! So we made out 30 mile drive..jammin out the whole way..and we finally got to the temple. But when we pulled up the gates were closed! GASP! We forgot it's Monday and they close early for FHE. So we parked the car and walked around the outside. It was still really pretty. The moon had a rainbow around it and was lighting the street so it wasn't so pitch black. Between that and the temple lights it was so pretty. Then we went and say my future house. I'm so excited to move out and experience some independence. The way I look at it this is the only time in my life I will get to experience true reckless independence. I won't have parents or a husband to consider everytime I leave my house. All I have to think about is myself, what I want, and what I feel is right. Then we went to In-n-out and I ate like a friggen fatty..but hey it was the only thing I had to eat all day. It was so good. Then we headed off to Michael's to me "Team Edward" shirts. But we decided against that. In fact we decided against everything in Michael's and headed to walmart instead. There we found a 10 minute dance workout DVD and a yoga DVD. We did both and Shelby and I could not stop laughing. Oh My Word is was so funny. After that the night pretty much died. We watched a movie and both of us practically fell asleep. So I came home and now I'm blogging. And that's my night in a nutshell! Awesome right?!? Ya I know. My life is exciting. Bahaha

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