Saturday, January 31, 2009


Last night I had to work from 1-9:30. It was long. Bah. After work Mr. Amazing took me to Macaroni Grill cuz I'm a fatty. We ended up writing this whole long this all over the paper cover on the table. I'm sure after we left the waiters were all laughing. OH WELL! Anyways then we came back to my house. We didn't have enough time to put in a movie so we turned on the tv and found something good to watch. About 5 minutes into it I fell asleep! I was so tired holy crap. About an hour later I woke up realizing that Mr. Amazing had fallen asleep to. We're a boring couple, we sit around and sleep. Anyways. He left and I prayed like no other that he would get home ok. He seriously looked like he was going to fall asleep on the drive home! Did you know that driving when your tired is just as dangerous as driving drunk. Ya not good. Anyways he made it home ok.

This morning I got up and went to work. There was nothing to do so my boss asked me to color and size the dress racks. These things are monsters! Seriously. It's no easy task to organize them. I figured I was going to have to eventually though because all week I've just been throwing dresses on the rack without even sorting them like we're supposed to. That's karma. Anyways, it took me 4 hours to finish that beast. It was really nice because I was off in my own little world, but customers kept screwing everything up! Not to mention the guys that I work with kept coming over to beat me. I thought guys weren't supposed to hit guys. Apparently not at DI. Anyways, I had a crappy day and that's life. Luckily I get to see Mr. Amazing tonight and that will make everything bad that happened go away! I'm so lucky to have him. Shelby helped a lot today to! She texted me almost the whole day which was amazing because she kept me from trying to kill the guys and from going insane. Well anyways, I don't have much more to blog about so I'm going to go..I hope everyone who's reading this had an amazing day and many more to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not to mention i am really horrible at texting continually so you were lucky.