Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Cute Title

I love the show FRIENDS! Honestly its so hilarious!

Anyways, I'm still pretty stressed about some school issues. Computers are retarded i've decided. Along with teachers that don't speak English! It sucks! I have a test in biology tomorrow that I'm pretty sure isn't going to go well. I figure if I can at least get a C I might be ok! Who knows though! YIKES! I wish I could just take the classes that I really like. I've always wanted to become a teacher: High School expecially. Originally I was going to be a biology teacher, but recently I changed my mind to a subject I never liked: English. I hated english in school. Hated it with a passion. I didn't like to read and I hated writing papers. But during the semester I took off I did a lot of reading and definately a lot of blogging. I read somewhere that writing has to be practiced just like everything else. I've always been a pretty good writer, but I never liked it. But now I LOVE IT! This last paper that I wrote was the most interesting thing I've done in school in a long time. Why can't I just say "Screw Biology" and take english for every credit! Seriously I don't think I would have any problem with that!

The other day in english we were talkinga bout the importance of commas! Commas don't seem very important right but check this out.

Take this one sentence for example:

Woman without her man would be nothing.

Commas allow you to punctuate this sentence to mean very different things. For example, I would most definately punctiate like this:

Woman, without her, man would be nothing!

Nice right! But you could disagree and punctuate it like this:

Woman, without her man, would be nothing.

Obviously we know the first choice would be the most appropriate for any occasion. Hahaha well anyways, I'm sure this is a very boring blog. Who really wants to read about reading! I know. I'm boring! I can't help it though. But the point of this whole thing is that sometimes you go years thinking your life is going to end up one way and the next second you change your mind. Ans how amazing is it that we are allowed to change our minds! We live in a country that allows us to do whatever we want! And the last thing I realized through this is that people have very lasting impressions on you. I had never even heard of blogging until Shelby introduced it to me! I'm not as blog savvy as she is but I've still grown to love it! Now when I look back on my life 30 40 50 years from now and think "Why did I decided to major in English" I can think back to that lasting impression that Shelby left on me!

That's all for now. I'm going to go eat and do other things.

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