Monday, March 30, 2009

Out With The Old...

Today I decided it was time to do some deep cleaning. A while back (when Mr. Amazing came into my life) Shelby and I decided there were some things that we had that needed to be out of sight and definately out of mind. We figured the best (and most fun) way to dispose of the items was to burn them. Well we are a couple of busy girls and on our list of things to do, burning love letters and such was far from the top. So I decided today to stop procrastinating and finally get rid of the extra clutter lying around in my room. I through everything out. I am a pack rat and I had kept notes, letters, pictures, corsages, pictures, jewelry, homecoming questions, journals, gifts, movie tickets, and anything else you could think of. It is all currently sitting outside my house in the trash can and it will be taken to the dump promptly. How exciting. Yes it was a part of my past, but just because I don't have reminders doesn't mean I'll forget a 2 year chunk of my life. However, I find that chunk a large waste of time (except for a few events that brought me to where I am now) and I don't need keepsakes to hold on to the memories that truly matter. The only thing I even considered keeping was the necklace (who knows, maybe it was worth some money) but I quickly remebered it was purchased from K-mart and no pawn shop in their right mind would take it. Now that the old is out I feel like I have even more space to bring in the new. It's funny how life changes though. I looked through my journals one last time before tossing them to try and scavenge the smallest bit of advice I could learn from. Basically I realized that the following:

God only wants the best for us. He only wants us to be happy. If we're not truly happy with something it's probably not the right thing for us.

The greatest things come without force. Relationships take work, but if your the only working all your doing is forcing a round peg in a square hole, and even kindergardners know that won't work.

Life changes. What you once thought was going to be your life can change in an instant.

Learn from the past.

Your past brings you to your future. Without my past I never would've met Mr. Amazing...funny how things seem to get worse before they get better, but once they do they're AMAZING!!

1 comment:

Shelby Lou said...

good job poopstain. i love you~!!