Sunday, March 15, 2009


The past few weeks I feel like I have making some huge improvements in my life. They're really more like changes but still. This week I started a lifeguarding class so that I can go find a better job and make tons of money. What will I use that money for you ask? Well I will be saving to buy a car (yes my very own car!) and to have money for when I leave for Utah. You heard right..I'm leaving for Utah soon, St. George to be exact. This week I recieved my acceptance letter to Dixie! I also recieved a scholarship! Awesome Possum! I'm also getting my hair done this week!! I can't wait. I love changing my hair. It's the easiest thing to change about your appearance and it's the probably the most temporary thing you can change about yourself. So ya! I will keep you updated on everythig!!! WOO HOO!