Friday, January 9, 2009


So this morning I got up at 10..tried to go back to bed..realized I had a million things to woke up. (I guess my wake up at the butt crack of dawn phase is over). Ok so for a second I'm going to rewind to yesterday. Yesterday I did a bunch of stuff actually. But one thing that was pretty important was I went down to UNLV to get my books. This was a big deal for me. I made an old friend go since he's going into his second semester at UNLV and I'm a retard basically. I'm really glad he went with me, 1 because like I said I had no idea what I was doing and 2 because we haven't gotten to really catch up in forever. So it was lots of fun. While I was with him he kept using the phrase BFE. K quick side note. The other day or week or whenever it was I was hanging out with Shelby and she said BFE. I had to ask her what the freak the was cuz apparently while I was working my life away a new abbreviation was invented and I was out of the loop. She informed me that BFE means Butt Freaken Egypt. For example...UNLV is in BFE and I will soon be extrememly poor from driving out there 4 days a week. Anyways, thanks to Shelby I knew what Justin was talking about when he used the phrase BFE 23487 times yesterday. That seems to happen to me a lot btw. I'll hear a word or phrase, find out what it means, and then I hear is a million times in the next week and feel so included cuz I actually know what it means. Awesome how that works out. Anyways. So I bought almost all my books. All but 1. I spent a grand total of $407 and 4 of them were used. What the freak people. I had to run like a crazy person to the bank and transfer money out of my car fund just to cover everything. This made me very depressed because now my car fund is down to a very low amount and I can not use it for a car untill I build it back up. Ugh. So that was my drama for yesterday. So today I got up like I said and called DI. I can go back on Wednesday. Yay because I have a job and can stop stressing about being extremely poor and NAY cuz I actually have to go back to that retched place. Anyways. After that I went and got my nails done which I really wouldn't afford, but I did it anyways because they looked putrid. Then I went to TJ Macks to look for khaki pants because I only have 2 pairs and I have to wear them at DI but I work there 5 days a week. You do the math. Well TJ Macks failed me and didn't have any khaki pants but they had a really cute dress on sale for $15. So I bought it. I thought what the heck its cheap and church worthy so even though I'm poor $15 won't kill me. (This was my downfall RIGHT HERE!) Then I picked up my brother and came home. My plan was to clean my very dirty room, but I decided I shouldn't give up on my khaki expedition. So I went back out to Ross. BUT on my way to Ross I realized the store right next to it (the spin off of Fashion Q) was open. So I went in thinking, Hey it won't hurt to look right? right! WRONG! There was no khaki of anykind anywhere but there were lots of other cute things. No before I tell you what I got let me tell you what I originally picked out! 2 $13 collared shirts, 1 $15 collared shirt, 1 $7 thermal, 1 $9 collared shirt, and 1 $10 super super cute blue shirt for fat days! :) That's what I picked out. (BTW collared shirts are the only thing I can wear at they're a good buy I swear). Well after debating with myself I decided only to be the 2 $13 ones and the $9 one, and I could wear all of them to work. BUT on my way to the register I ran into the cutest pair of shoes and they were only $16!!!!!!!!! AND they matched the dress I bought earlier. But I still went over my budget and I still didn't find what I was originally looking for. So then I ventured to Ross who, like TJ Macks, failed me miserably. So with my head hung low I started walking outside. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the quaint little store that steals my heart everytime: Michaels. I decided since I didn't find what I was looking for I should not have to go home sad so I went in. STUPID! Let me tell you why this was stupid of me. 1 My dear best friend Shelby, who knows everything about me and loves me like no other (even if my mom does pay her to be friends with me) got me the best present ever for Christmas/My birthday! Yes she combined presents but it was so amazing I DON'T CARE!!! She got me a Michaels gift card. A M A Z I N G! But I don't have it yet :(. So going to Michaels to spend my own money was very stupid because I could've spent a gift card and used my money for something like..oh idk..khaki's! It was also stupid because I CAN NOT go into that store without buying something. It's a complusion I think. But I am stupid so I went in anyways. Guess what, I bought $10 worth of stuff I don't really need, but kinda need, but could certainly do without. So today I spent almost $100 on everything EXCEPT the only thing I needed!!! YIKES! This is seriously going to come back to bite me in the butt. No more spending money for me!

Oh here's another thing to YIKES about. Linds was supposed to come down, but didn't. So her Christmas present is sitting in my room chillaxin. It didn't even dawn on me to mail it to her...Untill today when I went to the mail and got her package. She sent me 2 books that look extrememly good and I can't wait to read them (a slight break from Twlight) and she got me an infinate friendship necklace. THANKS LINDS! I love them! So next paycheck I HAVE TO HAVE TO send her her Christmas present.

Well that's been my horrible day of spending money I don't have. Tonight Mr. Amazing is coming over to play Hungry Hungry Hippos apparently. (His idea this is why he doesn't normally get to choose what we do...not to mention he'll probably beat cheating of course).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bahahaha you and chey are an old married couple who play hungry hungry hippos late at night and wake up in the morning on seperate ends of the room bahahaha your disgusting. jk i love you and your welcome twice apparently.